内容紹介|ダーマヨガワークショップ by ジェローム・バーディ Dharma Yoga Workshop by Jerome Burdi

Dharma Yoga Workshop by Jerome Burdi in Japan
ワークショップ開催概要 | outline

◎ご予約はこちらから | booking


9/07(金) 14:00-15:30 A 札幌 Sapporo
9/15(土) 10:00-14:00 J 神戸 Kobe

Physical and Energetic Alignment
This is an ancient asana practice with a modern twist. It will reveal new levels of energy for students, showing them different ways to approach poses and giving them the confidence to do it. You are bound to be successful.


9/07(金) 18:00-20:00 B 札幌 Sapporo

Master class
This practice will challenge students to dig deep into their determination and willpower to achieve great results. None of the asanas are rushed. Students have the opportunity to discover the pose in its full glory and to go deep into a meditative state. Modifications of poses will be offered for beginners. All are welcome!


9/08(土) 10:30-11:30 C 札幌 Sapporo
9/15(土) 10:00-14:00 J 神戸 Kobe
『心は体の主である。呼吸は心の主である。』 B.K.S. アイアンガー

Morning high, chanting and pranayama
The mind is the king of the body. The breath is the king of the mind.
-B.K.S. Iyengar
The best way to start the day and to prepare for asana is to go deep within. Then the physical practice will come from there as well. We will start the day with deep breathing exercises. These will prepare the mind for stillness. Then we will move into concentration and meditation, the highest practices. The workshop will include chanting to stir up enthusiasm for the asana practice and the day ahead.


9/08(土) 12:00-14:00 D 札幌 Sapporo
9/15(土) 16:00-18:00 K 神戸 Kobe

Master class focusing on arm balances/inversions
Arm balances and inversions are among the most fearful and exciting things that the asana practice offers. When they are learned through determination and perseverance, you will amaze yourself! We will focus on these aspects of the practice in this workshop.


9/08(土) 14:30-16:00 E 札幌 Sapporo
9/16(日) 10:00-13:00 M 神戸 Kobe

The Great Practice
The workshop will include all the aspects of yoga: kirtan, pranayama, meditation, and asana poses in an all levels practice that will focus on inversions, hip openers, and backbends. The practice will make the body healthy, strong, and flexible and lead students to quiet the mind, build endurance, and realize their full potential.


9/9(日) 10:00-12:00 札幌 F Sapporo

Recharging practice
A perfect practice for Sunday morning geared towards filling oneself with the energy that surrounds us. We will use the poses as a tool to fill ourselves with power.


9/09(日) 12:30-13:30 G 札幌 Sapporo
9/15(土) 10:00-14:00 J 神戸 Kobe
9/16(日) 15:00-17:00 N 神戸 Kobe

Complete Yoga Nidra Meditation
Relaxation is the best antidote for impurities. Yoga nidra is an active meditation where the practitioner is led to complete relaxation while in savasana pose.
It is said that an hour of yoga nidra can be as restorative and refreshing as a full night's rest.


9/09(日) 15:00-17:00 H 札幌 Sapporo
9/15(土) 18:30-20:30 L 神戸 Kobe

Partner yoga/Thai massage
Practicing yoga together turns us into children again! This is a fast track to get us back into the playful state most adults have lost. When we are back to this state, we are in bliss. We will practice poses together to go deeper into them. This is a fun and happy class, laughter guaranteed!


9/09(日) 17:30-18:30 I 札幌 Sapporo
9/16(日) 15:00-17:00 N 神戸 Kobe

Psychic Development
This is the highest practice Dharma Yoga has to offer. It is a series of pranayamas leading into a visualization that will bring into your life things you need to succeed on the spiritual path.

◎ご予約はこちらから  | booking