Biography Pam プロフィール

*English follows Japanese.
ダーマヨガWS by パム・ジョーンズ 
2018.3.30-4.1 Sapporo


ダーマヨガセンター 800H 講師
アーユルヴェーダ アドヴァイザー


2007年12月ニューヨークの小さなヨガスタジオで、指導者のダーマ・ミットラーに出会う。その数ヶ月後ニューヨークに移住した彼女はダーマのもとで練習を始め、200、500、800時間の指導者講習を修了した。 彼女は挑戦的かつ瞑想的な練習を深めることに情熱を傾けている。ヨガは万人が取り組める手法で、誰もが継続的な修練により精神を落ち着かせ内なる神聖な本質に気付くと信じている。




Pam Jones

Pam was born and raised in London and started practicing yoga in 2007. Having been trained as a dancer in her early years, she was drawn by the physicality of yoga and soon realized there was so much more. In December of 2007 she walked into a small studio in New York City and found her teacher Sri Dharma Mittra. A few months later she moved to NYC to train under him and since then she has completed the 200hr, 500hr, 800hr teacher trainings. Her passion is in developing sequences that are both challenging yet meditative. She believes that all can practice yoga and that by constant practice one can eventually settle the mind and realize the Divine essence within. Pam teaches daily at the Dharma Yoga Center in New York whilst serving as a mentor for the Life of a Yogi teacher trainings. She hopes to inspire others to keep practicing to reach their fullest potential and to keep spreading kindness everywhere.

Pam has also studied with Dr Naina Marballi and Dr Vasant Lad in New Mexico. She is a certified Ayurvedic Counselor with a passion for Marma Therapy and Ayurvedic cooking. She feels very honored to share the way and be of service to others.

Dharma Yoga Workshop by Pam Jones